Thanks again for joining us at Behind Greatness. This episode is part 4 in our series with Joe.

Joe was a US Army intelligence veteran already before he was chosen to be a part of the psychic intelligence unit at Fort Meade, Maryland, in 1978. He became known as “Remote Viewer No. 1″ within Project Stargate. Project Stargate was the United States’ first organized research into psychic phenomena via the Defense Intelligence Agency and contractor SRI International. He is an author and also founder of Intuitive Intelligence Applications Inc. Today, he also teaches Remote Viewing at The Monroe Institute, a leading center in exploring human consciousness.

We continue to follow Joe in the deep-end of his experiences. We start with telepathy and lying, language as an inhibitor and a protector, an incredible near death experience in East Germany, love v empathy, a life review and remembering, heaven and hell, being shards of a whole, more out of body experiences, losing the fear of death and dying, and reaching more people who are suffering.

“As living entities what we are is perhaps the grand engineer or the architect of reality trying to understand what it is.”

See here other previous guests mentioned: Dr. Diane Hennacy re. telepathy (ep 113), Natalie Sudman re. NDE (ep 97)


Previous episodes/discussions on Behind Greatness with Remote Viewers: