Needing to Believe it Before You See It
Matt Larochelle
Matt Larochelle CEO/Co-Founder of Matt and Steve's Home Of "The Extreme Bean"
November 25, 2020

We sit down with Matt Larochelle, an entrepreneur and co-founder of Matt & Steve’s in Toronto. Matt charms us with his down-to-earth approach to life and how his small town roots have been important to him in his path of self-discovery. He brings us through some of his adventures in starting his business with his partner Steve: from jars exploding in his apartment to trying to make ends meet while servicing a growing demand for their products. We learn about how the passing of his father taught him what it truly meant to jump into his dream with two feet. More importantly, we learn how this has led to the growth of a man who continues to discover the significance in being courageous in his decisions. Even more importantly, we discuss what impact he wants to make on the world and what “fun” means to him.