For earlier one-on-one episodes with Nick, see ep 207. With Rudy, see ep 179 , 186, 192, 195, 196, 204.

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. This is the second of a series of talks where we host two luminaries in one conversation.  Nick – a prolific journalist and author – joins us from his home in the UK. Rudy – a preeminent astrophysicist – joins us from his place in Massachusetts. This is the first meeting between the two and as expected, it was a fun one.

Rudy unpacks his groundbreaking work on black holes as finite, magnetic objects and the universe’s outer edge, while Nick ties it to his consciousness research sparked by a shared death experience. Together, they explore: Is the universe a self-learning AI? Do UFOs shift our perception – or maybe have us remember? And is love the substrate of it all? How does reincarnation fit into all of this? Is there a feedback loop? From helical waves to quantum holograms, to plasmas and orbs, this mind-bending talk asks the big “why nots” and “what ifs.”

For others:

  • Dr. Bruce Lipton, MD (ep 111) re cell behaviour
  • Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor (ep 101) re Gliding in a Sea of Silent Euphoria
  • Scarlett Heinbuch (ep 164) re shared death experience