Seeing the Unseen and Driving at It

Ryan Albright

President, Covered Bridge Potato Chip Co.

April 14, 2021

Ryan joins us from rural New Brunswick, in Atlantic Canada. Coming from a line of hard-working potato farmers, a very young Ryan thought about how he could continue the family business, but doing it his own way.

Bringing home the point to us that the journey is what matters, we hear about 100lb Christmas tree shearing machines, sleeping in a truck travelling across the US to bring back contracts, exploding chip bags on highways and doctoring conference floor badges to meet key buyers. Not unrelated, we learn how he started his enterprise while hearing “no” all the time, how he built a factory from scratch to help him compete with billion dollar competitors, how he Corolla’d 90,000 miles a year without a paycheck for several years and how he hired people to join him in executing a vision that he so relentlessly pursued.

Now 40 years old, we clearly learn that what’s always been important is his devotion to the land he’s from and to the people who have helped him get where he finds himself journeying now.

Ryan Albright:



