Accessing Quantum Information
Dr. Rudolf Schild (pt. 3)
World Renowned Astrophysicist / Black Hole Expert / co-Founder, FREE (CCRI)
July 4, 2024

For Rudy, part 1 and part 2, please have a listen to episode #179 and #186.
Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We are back again with Rudy. Rudy is a pre-eminent expert on black holes and a world-renowned Astrophysicist from Harvard, practising in the field since the mid-1960s. He is also the co-Founder of FREE / CCRI (see co-Founder past guests Rey Hernandez & Mary Rodwell) and also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Cosmology.
Rudy brings us through a discussion on various cosmic topics: the earth’s giant radio telescope, that we can now see the character of the black hole for the 1st time, and an explanation on why our classical definition of the black hole is now proven to be incorrect (congruent with his theory from decades ago). We hear about the significance of interstellar dust samples, biological material in space and plants spilling out their DNA. Rudy further tickles us with his thoughts on the quantum attribute of space that records what we say and think and his thoughts on the inside-out black hole: the distant horizon. And in case you’re wondering, we get to the “G-word” and the possibility of a supreme being.
Play with this: “The human mind accesses the black hole to get glimpses of the past” – Rudy Schild.
… to be continued…
Dr. Rudolf Schild (pt. 3):
- Center for Astrophysics – https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/
- Journal of Cosmology – https://thejournalofcosmology.
com/About.html - Personal website – http://www.rudyschild.com/
- List of Published papers – https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/
search/p_=0&q=author%3A(% 22schild%2Cr%22)&sort=date% 20desc%2C%20bibcode%20desc - CCRI (Consciousness & Contact Research Institute) – https://agreaterreality.com/
- Book (co-Author with Suzy Hansen) – Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement: https://www.amazon.com/Dual-
Soul-Connection-Agenda- Advancement/dp/0473295644/ref= sr_1_1?crid=3J7YBLDXEL5H8& keywords=Dual+Soul+Connection% 3A+The+Alien+Agenda+for+Human+ Advancement&qid=1706573177& sprefix=dual+soul+connection+ the+alien+agenda+for+human+ advancement%2Caps%2C214&sr=8-1 - Book: Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence – https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-
UFOs-Science-Consciousness- Intelligence/dp/1721088652/ ctoc - Edgar Mitchell Book: The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds – https://www.amazon.com/Way-
Explorer-Astronauts-Material- Mystical/dp/0399141618 - NASA – Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy “SOFIA” – https://science.nasa.gov/