Aiming to Lose Track of Time
Anthony Scilipoti
President & CEO @ Veritas Investment Research Corp
November 2, 2022

Anthony joins us from his office in Toronto. He is a long time friend of our team and Behind Greatness. For over two decades, he and his firm Veritas have been very prominent and public in the world of forensic accounting and investment research in Canada.
Anthony is a multi-layered human being with a drive-forward bent – and boy does he bring it in this conversation. We talk about preparation, freeing your mind for new ideas and quick-start vs follow-through – and being open to reciprocal impact. We talk pounding pavement and ideas, shining apples and doctor-visit crying. And, we lean in close as he shares some intimate, emotional, personal stories that instructed him as a young adult with life-long hard lessons in persistence, empathy, love and the importance of abstaining from judgement.
We learn that you can tell him anything … just don’t tell him “can’t”. And ask yourself: what is it that you do that you never tire of doing?
Big hugs to Ana.
Anthony Scilipoti:
Websites: www.vertiascorp.com, www.veritasfunds.com, www.theveritasfoundation.com
Veritas Fact Finding Podcast: https://www.veritascorp.com/events/webinars-fact-finding
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-scilipoti-fcpa-fca-cpa-illinois-97a54913/