Filling the Void with Purpose
Father John Szada
Exorcist / Roman Catholic Priest
December 5, 2023

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. Father John joins us from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Father John has been a Roman Catholic priest for several decades, he’s bi-ritual, he has a PhD in Psychology and he can carry the mass in Latin. He’s also practised as an Exorcist since 2011.
This conversation goes in several paths. We talk about pride and ego, humility and detachment, fear and insecurity, the slavery of addiction and scientism. We hear about satanism in the Vatican, evil being personal, possession vs attack vs obsession, exorcism gone wrong, and a voodoo-practising priest. We learn about the demonic being real, showing itself in the open in our society, the commitment to the conversion process – and the pivotal wisdom of the matriarchal figure. Oh, the metaphors dance in this conversation.
If you believe, you will be shown.
Father John Szada:
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/
Website – https://lancasterlatinmass.
The Sun, 2020 – https://www.the-sun.com/news/